As November begins, it brings me to a place of pondering and thanksgiving. It has not been an easy couple of years; however, by God's grace and the help of the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, I have endured.
There have been many paths I have chosen over these challenging months; some brought peace, others turmoil and upset—truthfully, more of the latter due to my self-absorption.
I am slowly coming out of this frame of mind, but it is moment-by-moment choosing to focus on God's grace instead of self. God's grace is never-ending and the utmost gift one can receive.
"For by grace you have been
saved through faith,
and that not of yourselves;
it is the gift of God,
not of works,
lest anyone should boast."
Ephesians 2:8-9
As the season of autumn and thanksgiving is upon us, it is a perfect time to settle in and reflect on the past year. I find it intriguing that my walk as a believer keeps bringing me back to the love, forgiveness, and grace of God; therefore, it is time to retrieve my book Journeys to Peace - Parables of Love, Forgiveness, and Grace and re-read it. Though the book is based on a young Native woman's walk, the foundational truths are the Word of God and how the lost can be found.
I was lost, even though I am a believer. Some would call it a period of the darkness of the soul. Others would call it trials and tests to mature us. Whatever the reason, it happens to all of us during different times in life. Life, indeed, is a faith walk but manageable and overflowing with hope because of God's grace.
Know that God loves you unconditionally; His grace is available to all who choose to receive this gift!
God's blessings and peace ~