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Journeys to Peace Parables of Love, Forgiveness & Grace book cover, woman in kayak.

Journeys to Peace
Parables of Love, Forgiveness and Grace 

With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, this God-inspired story was published to bring hope, encouragement, and peace.

May all who read it find the love, forgiveness, and grace of a loving Savior, Yeshua, and receive Him into your life.

Journeys to Peace takes a young Native woman on a journey to find love, forgiveness, and grace through the love of Father God and His son, Jesus. Though it is written through the eyes of a Native woman, the lessons learned are apply to all.


A collection of three independent parables details a young Native woman's journey from hopelessness and despair to love, forgiveness, the grace of a Savior, and her unique purpose in life. As she begins her walk, she meets a peculiar man who guides her to the love of Jesus, the power of forgiveness, and the grace of God. While healing from past injustices to her people, she finally accepts and embraces her identity as a First Nation believer. Though her path was not always easy and often filled with many choices and consequences, the stories provide encouragement and inspiration to others to persevere through their troubles, walk the Jesus way, and live life to the fullest.


Through these parables, I hope people will recognize and become aware of the past and current injustices Native Americans (First Nation people) have endured. Awareness and exposure will lead to a time of forgiveness, reconciliation, and healing for the sake of all people and our nation.

I would love to send you a free copy of the book; send me an email under the contact tab with your name and address, and I will get it right out to you. My mission is not about making money but spreading the Good News of Jesus through love, forgiveness, and grace.


If you prefer an e-book, purchase it under Amazon or Life-Rich Publishing. Just click these links:


                                             Amazon                                        Life-Rich Publishing


May Journeys to Peace Parables help you find God's ultimate never, changing unconditional love available to all. May you be encouraged, inspired, and realize you are unique, loved, and have a purpose in life. May you embrace forgiveness and live with the peace of Yeshua so your soul and spirit are healed.


May your life be filled with many journeys to peace.


God's Blessings and Peace ~


Restoration of Hearts 
Unity in the Body of Christ Through Contextualization

Restoration of Hearts solves misconceptions about Native American spirituality and First Nation believers by sharing what I have learned and how it brought worshipping

God to a new level. I believe once you hear stories from First Nation people, their love for Jesus, and their forms of worship, you will understand and experience the joy of worshiping God with new freedom.

Restoration of Hearts.jpg

Years ago, God placed in my heart a deep empathy for Native Americans, which brought about my book, "Journeys to Peace Parables."  I decided to publish my doctorate to continue sharing information on First Nation people and their spiritual practices. This thesis explores how to contextualize traditional ceremonies so a First Nation believer in Yeshua can honor and incorporate their heritage.


Contextualizing traditions means respecting and honoring ceremonies and aligning them with the Word of God. I aim to educate people to eradicate fears and judgments against First Nation peoples.


To view a narrative presentation of this book, in summary form, click here!

I would love to send you a free copy of the book; send me an email under the contact tab with your name and address, and I will get it right to you. My mission is not about making money but spreading the Good News of Jesus through love, forgiveness, and grace.


If you prefer an e-book, click this link:   Amazon


It is time for unity and revival in the body of Christ!


God's Blessings and Peace,


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